Friday, June 25, 2010

Exhibition Opportunity

See for more details
This is a D-Air poroject

D-AiR (Dundee Artists in Residence) profiles the work of Dundee-based artists, celebrates Dundee as a city of culture and creativity, and fosters links between artists and the wider community.
We provide a web presence for individual artists, promote arts events in Dundee, and facilitate a programme of artist residencies throughout the city.
We also seek to cultivate dialogue and exchange between Dundee-based artists and a wide variety of arts organisations throughout Scotland.
As a social sculpture we are committed to dialogue and inclusion, the better to foster cultural self-awareness and artistic excellence.
But a city is more than a place in space, it is a drama in time.
Patrick Geddes

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Blogger have this nifty new thing that can make the blog prettyfull! Have a look yourself and anybody feel free to change the background

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Over the past few days I have been lurking round like a creep through the degree shows down here and if I have spied one thing is that we need a CLASS CATALOG to have on offer during degree show. I think this would be a very useful thing to spend fundraising money on.
We should also think about generating a snappy title for our class, it will just make things far more memorable for the people that come and view it.
I managed to get my hands on quite a few different ones and I'll look into the costs etc.
Perhaps if the class isn't enthused about this idea, the peeepz that are thinking New Designers would want to do this? HMMMMM...
Hope you are all having a delightful summer!