Friday, July 2, 2010

Degree show funding: possible Kickstart (oh-ho)

Hiya kittens,

Hope you're all having a lovely holiday so far.

I've just been made aware of this totally awesome funding site, Kickstarter, that we could possibly use to get funding for our degree show. Especially if we pimp it over our Twitter account (which I'll need to remember the password to and give everyone when we get back to uni). You can put rewards/incentives like posters/prints/t-shirts or whatever (or our fabulous callendar ;P ) on it in banded price brackets.

EDIT: Oh, wait you need a US bank account (anyone got one of those?)... but, I'm sure there's probably other similar sites/things out there for the UK too.

EDIT 2: OK, found IndieGoGo which is more UK/International friendly. This is probably the best bet if we end up going with this idea. :)


  1. This is a very exciting development!!!
    Imagine the potential if we think of a seriously unique idea/service/product!!
    Let's get the ball rolling asap!

  2. this sounds exciting. I'm still not quite sure how it works though!
