Monday, May 3, 2010

High Five for our Textiletastic Team!!!

I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who was involved in today’s Skillswap meet-up! It was better than I could have ever imagined so everyone deserves a big pat on the back for their enthusiasm towards generating some good ideas.

For those who weren’t there, I’ll give a re-cap of what happened.

I think we had around 12 of us there in room 400 which turns out to even have a kitchen attached!
I introduced everyone once again to the idea behind Skillswap and emphasised that my vision is for everyone to feel that they have a say and a sense of ownership in the project.
In the spirit of democracy we went through a series of post-it brainstorms to give everyone an opportunity to speak up about what they wanted to gain from the project and what they felt they could contribute.

It was identified that the main areas that people wanted to gain skills in were pattern cutting, CAD skills and constructed textiles -knitting and crochet. From this we began to link names of people who identified themselves as learners or leaders in each area. We will arrange the workshops around the availability of the leaders.

Sophie has informed me that she won’t be able help to lead a workshop on pattern cutting until after the holidays.

Kat- Making a geektastic spreadsheet of contact details for the whole class. She will email this to everyone so put it in a safe place when she does. This will be important.
Lorri - Set up a google callender group

Workshop 1 Illustrator, Bloging & Twitter
Thursday 6th May
Media Lab 1

*all workshops will be organised via facebook invites and then reported on and discussed via the blog

* If you cannot attend any workshop after saying that you will please have the decency to inform a workshop leader!

Illustrator Leaders = Lizette Druka & Sarah Hutton
Blogging Leader = Lorri Smyth
Twitter Leader = Elidh Ellery

From the brianstorm we found out that many people are keen to use Adobe Illustrator but still feel unsure of how to use it. Lizette and Sarah were identified as leaders in this programme and felt confident enough to share the skills they gained during the CAD teaching they received in Newzealand. Even though they are leading the group it will be up to everyone to share what they know.

They have taken on the responsibility of organising and leading the Illustrator workshop. This involves booking a room, creating a Facebook event and identifying the relevant learning materials needed eg worksheets, laptops personal notebooks.

During the workshop they will facilitate a short discussion as to what skills the group were looking to learn and also what the rest of the group can share. Pretty much what we did today but specifically for illustrator. It’s then up to them how they feel it best to show techniques to the group and help individuals. As long as they are organised they witnessed today that it really isn’t hard to do.

We will stop for a break after about an hour.

It was identified that there is some confusion around using the blog and some people are having difficulty accessing it at all. I will lead a shorter session on Blogging. This will involve how to use the class blog and how to set up your own blog using word press. If anyone has any specific difficulties I will do my best to help them individually.

Twitter was also something people are still confused by. Elidh uses it a lot so volunteered to talk about that.
We rounded up the meeting with biscuits tea and wine. All this before 12:00! And people say students are lazy things! Overall  I think it was  a really really productive morning.

I will shut up now leave Lizette or someone to put up a new post to add what was said about the fundraising….

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